
Obsah blogu "Genealogie Hradil" k 26. 05. 2019 najdete zde klikni na text pod:

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pondělí 4. srpna 2014

Welcome to Full Family Tree

Našel jsem stránku , která o sobě tvrdí, že je zdarma zůstane zdarma. Můžete si ji prohlédnou a třeba u ní najdete to co jste do současnosti hledali někde jinde. Stránka je v angličtině, jinou jazykovou mutaci jsem nenašel. Export a import ve formátu v současné době není možný, ale podle jejich FAQ bude možný za cca 6 měsíců. V té době by to mohl být zajímavá program pro širší okruh zájemců.

Vzhledem k mé slabé angličtině vám zde dám původní text z první stránky v originále:

"Welcome to the Full Family Tree website. Your mission is to complete your family tree and to show what you have to your family. Their mission will be to do the same for the areas where you are not able to fill in. Your collaboration with your family will end up creating a very full and rich picture of your family.
This website is free. We will not ask you to pay for anything, and you won't be hassled to upgrade at any point; there is nothing to upgrade to. You get the full set of services and features for free right from the start.
When you create profiles for people in your family, you can invite them to come join you and your family here. They will be asked to collaborate by adding to their own profile info and by adding any details about their family that you haven't gotten to yet.
The information entered by you and your family is private to the greatest degree possible. There are parts of a profile that are important to keep secret from people not in your direct family such as maiden name, birthdays, etc. And we make every attempt to do so for your safety.
Please enjoy and we are happy you are here to help us all create your full family tree."

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Na této stránce >>> najdete tento text:

Frequently Asked Questions

- How do I delete a profile I edit
You must be logged in to delete profiles you edit.

To delete a profile that you edit:

Go to the Profiles I Edit account page.
You will see a list of all of the profiles you edit. Click the Delete link to the right of the profile you wish to delete.
Check the confirmation box in the popup that comes up, and click the Delete button.
Once deleted, you should see a confirmation message at the top of the page.

- How do I import GEDCOM or other data files
Currently, we do not support the importation of geneological data files such as GEDCOM. We plan on implementing this feature in six months.

- What are points and how do I earn them
We award points to users for completing activities like successfully inviting family members to come join them here. In the future, points may be used to compare progress with other users and be redeemable in contests.

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